Buckle Down and Write for Crisp Communication

Just for fun, I get together with copywriters, speechwriters, ghostwriters, and all kinds of cool writer types. We practice persuasive writing as a group. We use games, prompts, and timed sessions to keep ourselves “fit.”

Quick and confident writing. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

tips for writing more effective communication

Why we should be reaching out through the written word

Whether you run a company, manage a sales team, or sell print, it can be tough to buckle down and write.

It’s not that you’re bad at it — you probably are a very good writer — but serious writing requires a different state of mind. For me, I need a feeling of calmness or inspiration. It’s not always easy to achieve that state of mind right now. 

No matter what, even in times of uncertainty and change, we must make time to write.

Our customers, prospects, partners, and those in the circle of influence around us really do want to hear from us. Because they are relying on us as a communicator, we need to take responsibility to practice and improve how we write.

Furthermore, with better writing, we become more effective in our work.

Why good writing is important

  • Good writing signals your intention to be responsive and helpful.
  • You’re not winging it or bouncing off someone else’s comments as you might on a phone call.
  • You are not distracted or multitasking as you might be in a video meeting.
  • When you write, your attention is on your reader.
  • The process of regular writing helps us conceive, organize and crisply communicate ideas.

These are skills that serve us throughout our careers.

If you’d like to help your team be more nimble in their writing, it’s easy to get started.

How to get better at writing

  • Set up a monthly meeting dedicated to writing.
  • Focus on specific skills the whole group can work on.
  • Make it fun, and have prizes for participation.
  • Aim to finish meetings with tangible, edited communications that can actually be sent out. 

In times of flux, keep communicating. Your words inform and educate. They attract, influence and persuade. They help you build trust and inspire confidence. 

Now buckle down and write!

Sandy Hubbard Print Media Centr

Sandy Hubbard is an expert Marketing Strategist specializing in the Printing Industry. She consults with Print CEOs and owners of print, media, and platform businesses of all sizes — helping marketing teams build visibility and increase sales.

Sandy is also co-host of #PrintChat, a weekly discussion on LinkedIn. Join the group here — and enjoy social media’s most popular chat for the global printing industry!


Check out this related post: Your Customers Really DO Want to Hear from You … and Here’s Why 


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