Budweiser Extends Happy Hour With QR Code Campaign

This is from Y&R Ecuador and launched in May 2012. It’s making the rounds in the US now.  The premise – kinda cool – if you want more hours to your HAPPY HOUR buy a Bud, scan the QR code and add 1 minute to the BUDCLOCK. Do the math, 20 scans, adds 20 mins and so on and so on. 

According to Agency Spy, since the “Budclock” has been instituted ” happy hour has been extended over 6000 minutes and the campaign has “reached” over 50,000 people (44,000 of whom apparently don’t think drinking Budweiser is worth a minute of their time).”

Why we haven’t seen this campaign in the US yet? Have you been to a happy hour lately? That clock would be discovered by the Aliens that found Haley Joel Osment in the pod with Teddy thousands of years into the future and it would STILL have time left on it!  The only thing better than a beer is a 2 for 1 Happy Hour special right?

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