Case Study: Do Personalized Communications Increase Local Response Rates?

Randy-Hardy-print-media-centrby Randy Hardy

In my last post, you learned which aspects are important to consider before starting to use personalized communication in your direct marketing campaigns. You also learned that individualized elements like a PURL or a personalized map help you generate greater attention with your campaigns, which leads to better results and increase your response rates.

Have you incorporated personalization in your campaigns? Do you see the same response rates?

For inspiration, let’s have a look at a case study that shows the power of personalization in action.

The Dutch childcare provider Partou was looking to increase the number of new enrollments in their childcare centers. For help, they partnered with the Dutch print and marketing service provider Jubels.

Jubles created a personalized crossmedia campaign to help Partou achieve their goal.

First, the campaign contained a printed direct mailing piece. Partou knew that parents preferred child care centers that were close to their homes. So, instead of sending this mailing to all families in the Netherlands, it targeted parents living within three miles of a Partou center. Targeting parents by location meant the campaign could stress the benefits of quickly and easily reaching their child care center.


To further highlight the close location, and help parents visualize the spatial proximity between their home address and their nearest Partou center, the direct mailing also contained a personalized map. The map showed an individual route from the family’s home address to their nearest Partou location. A personalized map connects the mailing recipients directly with the promoted location and offers them additional information. In this example, the parents could immediately visualize themselves bringing their children to the Partou center. Furthermore, the map showed them how easy it is to get there.

In addition to location, the campaign also pointed out the professionalism of the Partou staff and the safety and security of the centers.

To further personalize the campaign, the mailing spoke directly to the children, addressing them with their first name. The mailing also contained a pURL that directed the recipients to a personalized microsite. The families could visit this site via a link or through a personalized QR Code.

At this campaign site, the parents could enter a contest by providing their contact information. Additionally, they could take an animated tour through their nearest Partou center, request more information about Partou or enroll their children directly.

The campaign was a great success for Partou. All personalized elements used in the mailing created a marketing campaign that spoke directly to the target audience. As a result, Partou increased the number of enrollments significantly.

And now, imagine other industry sectors can make use of personalized elements to reach their audience successfully. There are plenty of opportunities. Tell us your ideas and how personalization can be used in other sectors effectively.

Randy Hardy is the North American Representative for locr, the world’s leading provider of personalized maps and geolocation services. He also serves as Chairman of the Xplor Association Board of Directors and was the Chair of the 2013 Xplor User Conference and Vendor Forum. He can be reached at More information about locr can be found at

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2014 Dscoop Annual Conference March 6 – 8, 2014 Orlando, Florida USA. 
You can visit the locr team at Ruby Partner Pavillion.

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You can visit the locr team at booth #119

Cross Media Production (IPEX) March 25 – 27, 2014 London, UK 
You can visit the locr team at booth #C50, 4th floor, Maple House

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