Podcasts About Printing, Packaging, Design and Marketing for Your Playlist

young woman listening to a podcast about printing print marketing print design print sales print services

I have had the honor of being included on lists highlighting where to find topical podcasts about print and marketing, so it’s my turn to give back. I don’t want to assume anyone reading this post is familiar with my offerings, perhaps this is the first time you have clicked over. If that is the […]

8 Ways Printers Can Benefit From Email Automation

purple email icon email automation for businesses

You may be using email as part of your marketing toolkit, but are you using automation tools that make life easier for printers? Many printers shy away from setting up email automation due to the time required for setup. However, while there’s work on the front end, the time-saving benefits are enormous and make your […]

Position Print in a Supporting Role to Reignite Stans and Create New Fans

john travolta dancing in pulp fiction

What do print sales, print business, and print marketing success, have in common with leading actors choosing roles? More than you may think! Grab some popcorn and let me explain. At a certain point in a leading actor’s career, they are faced with the reality of how Hollywood and the world perceive them. While men […]

How Printers Can Create a Simple Email Newsletter

I love teaching printers how to launch a super simple email newsletter program. Simplifying your approach helps you be successful from the get-go and grow and improve your email marketing program at your own pace. When your newsletter is easy to produce – and you even look forward to it – you will be more […]

How To Find Out What Attracts People To Print

a young women holding a happy face on yellow paper

How do you find out what really attracts people to print? As a marketing strategist, I recommend research and data mixed with in-the-moment feedback. Research and data are great, but they’re based on what has already happened. Surveys are fine, but they may give overly positive results. Nothing beats testing a supposition with real people, […]

3 Tactical Strategies to Secure New Print Business Over the Summer

In today’s competitive marketplace, winning new print business requires more than offering quality products and services. It demands a strategic approach incorporating community engagement to strengthen customer relationships, build new relationships, and establish trust with local businesses. Summer is the perfect time to get involved and entrenched with your community. Here are a few ideas […]

How Influencers Can Help Printers Get Better Marketing Results

Finding high-quality leads ready to buy can be challenging for everyone, including printers. Luckily, influencer marketing is a valuable tool for capturing interest from warm prospects.  WHAT IS INFLUENCER MARKETING? Influencer marketing uses the attractive power of a popular person to bring attention to your business. Usually, the influencer is paid to serve this role, […]

Big Changes in Real Estate Mean New Opportunities Ahead for Print Businesses

Attention Printing and Marketing Businesses – BREAKING NEWS! The National Association of Realtors (N.A.R.) has agreed to a groundbreaking settlement, potentially leading to a significant drop in home selling costs by eliminating the standard 6 percent sales commission and lower home prices.  As a result of this settlement billions of dollars are expected to flow […]

How Printers Can Start a Relationship Marketing Program

a light orange image of a group of people hands interlocked to illustrate relationship marketing

Are you ready to start a relationship marketing program that strengthens ties with your best print customers? We’ll use targeted email and add deeply insightful print to bring customers closer and transform our relationships with them.  Here’s how to get started, what to watch out for, and how to take it up a notch once […]

4 ways to Share Printspiration and Print Love in February and All Year Long

purple and blue neon heart background

With Valentine’s Day in February, you already have a door cracked open for the opportunity to share some printspiration and print love with your creative print customers. Here are four ideas for winning some hearts, minds, and dollars. Creative Color Combinations A color pallet is key to branding and marketing campaigns. Many of the design […]

Crazy Stupid Print Love

pink and magenta heart collage

I’m a systematic person when it comes to sales, always have been. So what in the world was I thinking when I spontaneously upsold something so big it would double the price of the customer’s project? You guessed it. PRINT. Crazy stupid print – and it worked! I’m going to walk you through how I […]

CMYK MANIFESTO 2024: Rewind, Reignite and Represent the Printing Industry

a black background with the cmyk color spectrum

Greetings Citizens of The Printerverse and welcome global print and marketing professionals to a New Year for the printing industry. 2024 already feels like it rolled up in a muscle car, rolled down the window, pointed at us with a baseball bat, and said, “I heard you’ve been talking crap about me.” It’s down to […]