Catnip Scented #Directmail Creates Kitty Litter Customers



Getting to consumers through their pets isn’t a new concept – but it is still a smart one! Over the years I have shared info about an interactive billboard that provided dog food samples, a TV commercial only dogs could hear, and personalized meme cat postcards  – now welcome cat mail to the list!

According to this post on The American Genius, A cat litter warehouse, looking to draw attention as they launch, chose a direct mail campaign. But they needed a way to insure their advertising did not wind up in the trash, so they decided to use scent. They infused their postcards with catnip and kitties went crazy for it; see their reactions here. As soon as the mail arrived in their human’s mailboxes, the cats were pounced, immediately drawn to the scent. And when the cats like something, the owners take notice, which insured the ad, for the most part, was noticed and not discarded.

Here is the video!


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