Cloud computing in the U.S. shows momentum

Cloud computing icon
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How widespread is business use of cloud computing?  The results of one survey published Tuesday suggest use of both public and private clouds has real momentum in the United States, with private cloud computing appearing to be more popular.

Among 210 IT executives in U.S. businesses, roughly one-third currently uses only private cloud computing, while another one-third uses both private and public clouds. Roughly 1 in 10 uses only public cloud computing, and almost one-quarter uses no cloud computing option at all.

The survey, conducted in August by Harris Interactive and sponsored by Novell, indicates that 43% of IT executives with decision-making authority foresee increased use of both public and private cloud platforms in the future. Roughly 29% expect more use of private-cloud platforms, while 5% expect increased use of public clouds. Another 5% have “no plans” regarding use of cloud computing, and 7% said they are not sure.

The Harris Interactive survey also sought to find out whether cloud computing deployments will occur alongside, instead of replacing, company-owned data centers.

Continues at:  Cloud computing in the U.S. shows momentum.

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