Cloud Computing's World of Acronyms: Enter at Your Own Risk

SOMF Cloud Computing Model
Image via Wikipedia

…On occasion, it seems that even the most informed tech-vendor executives and marketing folks are just as confused as the rest of us. Or, perhaps even more insidious, they do know what they’re saying—how they’re bending truths and glossing over factual, technical inaccuracies—all in the name linking their product or service to The Cloud.

Defining cloud in the broadest of terms is not forbidden according to today’s marketing rules. Many a vendor now calls any old app that runs via the Web a “cloud computing solution.”

Nevertheless, it appears that The Cloud and its marketing-licious brood are here to stay. So what does it all actually mean?

See full post at:  Cloud Computing’s World of Acronyms: Enter at Your Own Risk | CIO – Blogs and Discussion.

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