Color-Logic targets designers with video guide

Color-Logic has produced a video to demonstrate how graphic designers can quickly produce metallic special effects using its process metallic colour system.

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The seven-minute video provides a step-by-step guide to Color-Logic’s design software and was conducted by the company’s chief technology officer Richard Ainge, who developed the original MetalFX process.

Mark Geeves, sales and marketing director at Color-Logic, said: “In only seven minutes, graphic designers can see how the Color-Logic system produces hundreds of metallic colours, plus special effects such as metal vignettes and metallic watermarks.”

US-based Color-Logic was founded earlier this year to fill the gap left by Ciba Coating Effects’ decision to close MetalFX in 2008. The company launched its Metallic Design Suite earlier this month.

UK designer Mark Mayers recently became the first graphic designer to pass Color-Logic’s Certified Designer programme.

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