Conde Nast Applies Gaming To Iconic Brand With New ‘Gourmet Live’

Conde Nast Applies Gaming To Iconic Brand With New ‘Gourmet Live’ | paidContent.

Conde Nast’s latest digital brainstorm mixes the DNA of a 75-year print brand with the tech skill set of a 2010 startup. Gourmet Live, an iPad app based on a real-time “game play” engine, isn’t the digitized version of a magazine. It can’t be.Gourmet isn’t coming back with an editorial soul or with anything close to the staff it took to put out the iconic magazine or the same mission. Gourmet is Conde’s past; Gourmet Live is its not-so-certain future. The new mission: get dollars directly from consumers instead of relying on advertisers.

The magazine publisher hired Activate, the new consulting partnership of Michael Wolf and Anil Dash, two months ago to find a consumer-oriented digital strategy for Gourmet‘s brand, its deep archive and its passionate fan base. They came up with a concept and a glossy working prototype that meshes new and archived content (recipe, article, photo, video, user gen) with sharing, community and location-based technology. It’s all HTML5, meant to work across devices and platforms. (The demo video is embedded below.)

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