Consumers Chime In On Why Direct Mail Still Matters

The Drum posted this infographic last week with some commentary you can see here.

My only comment is why are we still saying “still” as though we STILL need to convince people that print isn’t going anywhere. I think we need to get off that message point and move on! We spend an awful lot of time countering that misguided thought with studies and infographics and education that it actually brings more attention to the question – is print still relevant – because we  keep answering it!  

For anyone needing some DM rocks ammo – there are some good points below. Next time it comes up (if it ever comes up besides the industry defending itself to itself), load your print ray gun, take aim, and put this subject DOWN once and for all! HOOAH!



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2 Responses

  1. I’m glad you brought up this point about framing print in a negative light. It’s as though our industry is always on the defensive. That’s no way to operate. I agree that we should stop wasting our time trying to convince the nay-sayers.

  2. I don’t think we need to stop spreading the good word of print… but there is a HUGE difference between responding and LEADING with the merits as if it’s already seen in a negative light. There is a comparison made between email and direct mail, I get that. Im just wondering who is making it?


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