Content that pulls. And content that pushes.

Picture 24There are several factors that drive us to create new content for our websites. Maybe we have a list of pages to be written which will be optimized for long-tail keywords. Or we have a list of topics we need to address to complete various subject areas on our site. Or we have some reader questions to answer. Or we have some pages to put up with a view to getting good distribution through social media. But as we immerse ourselves in writing these pages, we can lose sight of the fact that a web page needs a purpose beyond just being there as a source of information.

To put it simply, a web page needs to be either pulling or pushing.

Pulling new readers into the site for the first time, and pulling returning visitors back again and again.

Or pushing readers to take an action – whether to subscribe, to buy, to sign up, to download, to take a free trial, or click on a revenue-earning link.

Continues at:  Content that pulls. And content that pushes..

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