Converter Perspectives: Digital Printing in Packaging

InfoTrends reports on the state of digital printing used in packaging and what lies ahead.

In late 2009, InfoTrends, Inc. (, a market research and strategic consulting firm, conducted a Web-based survey of converters about the role and prospective role of color digital printing in their operations. packagePRINTING magazine contributed to that effort by inviting subscribers to participate in this effort. InfoTrends is grateful to the many packagePRINTING subscribers that supported the survey. This article provides key results from the feedback.

Respondents and their companies148991

There are 375 total respondents to the survey, almost all from North America. By type of business, label converters account for about half the sample (182 respondents); folding carton converters (98), and flexible packaging converters (95) account for 26 percent and 25 percent respectively. Label converting companies responding are on average much smaller than the folding carton and flexible packaging converters.

Label converters in the survey report average annual revenues of $18.5 million; only about 10 percent claim annual revenues of $50 million or more, and the same share say annual revenues are less than $500,000. Respondents at flexible packaging converters report an average $36.3 million for their companies, with 43 percent reporting $50 million or more; respondents from folding carton converters report nearly the same as those in flexible packaging.

See full article at:  Digital Printing in Packaging as Seen by Printers of Labels, Flexible Packaging and Folding Cartons : Page 1 of 2 : packagePRINTING.

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