Convertible UV Printing – Do You Think Your Saving Money? Seriously?

While you were sitting in the board meeting or alone in your office this past week studying last quarters P&L, did you determine your company’s profitability by the bottom line or shake the piggy bank to see what’s left over? Were you looking at a realistic outlay or just the balances on the A/P and A/R reports? Are you certain of your exact costs of doing business?

How many of you are you convinced there is actually such a thing as “hard” and “soft” money?piggy bank

I’m sure you’re aware this expression is usually related in politics in reference to campaign contributions and whether the money has to be reported or not. Unfortunately, many tend to use the phrase in the daily grind of the printing business. I feel that ALL money affects your bottom line.

In many instances, I’ve heard this statement, “Hard money is when I have to spend additional funds to print the job with UV supplies and energy. Soft money is the down time involved in changing the press over from conventional printing to UV and then back again.”

I believe you would be surprised if you added up all of the potential production hours lost going back and forth. Not to mention the waste of supplies in doing so. Are you under the assumption that all of the remaining ink and/or blankets removed form the machine will find their way back on the press during the return conversion? Those losses are “hard” money!

See full article at:  Convertible UV Printing – Do You Think Your Saving Money? Seriously? -Darren Gapen : Printing Impressions.


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