CPrint Sales Summit to Be Held In Nashville, June 16-19

A tag cloud (a typical Web 2.0 phenomenon in i...
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CPrint, a national franchise of certified printers, has invited Patrice Valentine, the President of Net Solutions North America, LLC to speak at their national Sales Summit – “Printing without Print” in Nashville, TN on the 16-19th of June. The Sales Summit is open only to affiliates of CPrint.

Mrs. Valentine will be demonstrating how to use ProFusion Products to expand sales opportunities and create websites that CPrint customers can easily manage and maintain themselves.

“Many printers provide graphic arts services already. Taking the next step from design for print to design for the web can be an easy and profitable transition with the right partners,” says Mrs. Valentine.

She will be demonstrating how to build a website using the ProFusion Ultra IS application, a website builder and content management system designed to be used by non-technical users to create custom websites and Web 2.0 applications. Net Solutions has been asked to participate throughout the Summit to assist CPrint affiliates understand how to provide the additional services of Website development, search engine optimization, email marketing, social media marketing, hosting and off-site storage of data files to allow printers to expand their service offering to their clients.

via QuickPrinting.com Article: CPrint Sales Summit to Be Held In Nashville, June 16-19.

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