Crabtree Brewing using QR code as label for its newest beer

Sure the concept of using a QR code on a label isnt new, but as the label is pretty interesting.  Beginning Sept 8th, anyone in the Denver/Boulder Colorado area will be able to see these labels in the marketplace and scan them to hear directly from the brewer about the beer they have purchased, or are about to purchase.  The video/s arent up on yet, so if you scan the QR below you will just get their mobile site. I dont know what he will be saying about the beer or if there are other options to connect and interact, but I have a feeling that the ability to speak directly to the consumer about the product you are selling will catch on pretty fast.


Crabtree.BerlinerWeisse.QRcode thumb 550x486​Jeff Crabtree wants to party with anyone who likes his beer. But the owner of Crabtree Brewing in Greeley can’t always be there — not in person, anyway.

So Crabtree Brewing’s newest bottled beer, a German-style sour wheat called Berliner Weisse Ale, will feature a massive QR code on the label — a code so big that only the name of the beer, its alcohol content and some other regulatory mandates can fit in around the edges. That way, anyone who is thinking about buying the beer, or anyone who is already drinking it, can scan the code and go directly to a video message from the brewer.

The video will be embedded on Crabtree Brewing’s website, but it won’t be visible to anyone who hasn’t linked directly to it using the QR code.

Continues at:  Crabtree Brewing uses a giant QR code as the label for its newest beer — and its newest idea – Denver Restaurants and Dining – Cafe Society.

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One Response

  1. As a big fan of QR Codes and beer, this is easily one of the best articles that I will read all week 🙂

    Deborah, thank you for sharing these stories.


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