Customer Education: Necessary, Simple, Affordable

As long as people buy printing, they need education about the industry. The more customers understand about what printers need from them – and why – the better off everyone is in this relationship.

Where does this education come from? It’s true that a few scattered buyer associations have sprung up around the country. There is also a buyers conference, hosted by PrintBuyersOnline each year. Print Buyer Today, the only newspaper targeted for print buyers, is a new educational tool as well.

Despite these new resources, plus all the good trade books on the market, printers still remain the main educational resource for customers. You may see this as a burden, even a “necessary evil.” However, customer education is a great way to differentiate yourself.

Customer education is easy, because printers already have the knowledge that buyers need, and here’s the best part – it can be very inexpensive.

Before you develop your own customer education program, it helps to keep a few things in mind:

See Full Article at:  Boston Print Buyers.


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