DAM Equals Dollars For Print

If you follow PMC or my posts with any regularity, you already know my strong belief that “Those who hold the assets, hold the Power!” 

When it comes to adding revenue generating services, the easiest place to start is looking at what you have, and if you are a Printer one thing you have in abundance are customer FILES! With a little investment in a Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform, or a little negotiation with a DAM partner, you can turn those files into monthly income, and provide a true value added service. The bonus, client retention.

DAM_platformOur relationship is already a partnership.  You can take it to the next level by helping me manage my digital assets. These are the files I print, but can also be all digital assets used by my company. If there isn’t a studio or prepress department, many times files are just kept on a disk or a computer with no system in place. Add to that many companies are outsourcing design, and now you have four different logos out in the world and unapproved images in layouts going over for client approval. It’s really not difficult for things like this to happen, and unfortunately I’m speaking from experience.

Offering DAM to your customers solves more problems than they realize they have, and that relief equals a tighter partnership on all fronts. As a print buyer, it’s a bit more difficult for me to justify using other printers when I have a DAM system in place with you, and a lot of the time with any applied archiving or de-archiving file fee, makes it really questionable to do so. And still I am only talking about files for print creation, but that is just the tip of DAM possibilities!  

Needless to say I am a DAM fan, I have procured, implemented and used DAM systems… and I’d urge you all to not only investigate DAM for your business, but to also check out DAM NY May 1-2, 2014 in NYC. Save $100 by registering with code PMC100! Here is some event info, and if you are planning to attend PLEASE let me know!!! I’m always looking for tweeters to share info from events and blogs to share what you learn after!

DAM New York 2014

Join us in New York – May 1-2!

Use Print Media Centr discount code PMC100 to receive an extra $100 discount!

This year at DAM NY – 50+ experts and 40+ cross industry sessions across three tracks 

Join us at the industry’s leading event for a thoughtful and engaging review of Digital Asset Management.  Over the course of two days, we shall discuss both what it is and the vital role that managing your digital assets plays in today’s business environment – across a vast range of activities; from publishing, cultural heritage, CPG, media & entertainment, pharmaceuticals, retail and advertising to leisure, education, banking, services and government. 

Here’s a snapshot of the wide and rich range of sessions to be featured this year each providing lots of opportunities for your participation.

– Pre-event Tutorials – enhance your learning with a deep-dive into: Fundamentals of DAM – The Technology In-Depth, Fundamentals of Metadata, DAM Leadership, Taxonomy and Advanced Metadata for DAM, Creating a Rights Management Roadmap

– Breakfast Briefings for the early risers!

– Inspiring Keynotes featuring The New York Times and Hasbro

– Spotlights on Hearst Magazines, 3M and SAP – learn from their experiences

– Real World Case Studies from Nickelodeon, Abbvie and many more

– Intensive Clinics on Getting Started: The Business Case for DAM and Corporate Video Management

– Cross-industry Panel Sessions on Change Management; Metadata; Creative Operations; Integrating DAM and CMS

– DAM Conversations: join your peers in roundtable discussions

– Tech Lab: keep up with the technology with in-depth sessions

– Exhibition of 25+ leading solution providers

– MeetUp: make the most of your time by joining us and the NYC DAM MeetUp Group at our pre-event drinks

– Relax by joining us at the end of the first day at our Evening Drinks Reception

For more information and the full program click here: http://bit.ly/1kWWenp

Or click here to register now: http://bit.ly/MI3fts – use discount code PMC100 for your $100 discount. 

Canon Production Printing Print Media Centr