Digital print produces textured photos for the blind

Picture 4Estudios Durero has worked with photographer Juan Torre to produce an exhibition of ‘images to be touched’, which are being shown at the Spanish national blind association (ONCE) Tifologic museum in Madrid.

The images exploit the raised surface of UV-cured ink and its different texture to the underlying substrate to reproduce textures that enable the blind to “see” an image by touching it.

Textures including cloth and skin, and even the keys of a piano and the strings of a violin have been reproduced by building up the images using multiple files, and up to 12 printing passes.

Bilbao-based Estudios Durero used 3A Composites black Dibond as the substrate for the black and white images to ensure the visual and the tactile results stood out. In particular the smooth surface provided the greatest tactile contrast with the ink layers.

Printing was carried out using a Durst Rho, which Estudios Durero production manager Ander Soriano said was essential for ensuring precise registration between the different passes.

The subjects of the photographs were music and musicians, and the exhibition runs until 12 September.

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