Direct mail volume set to see modest growth and remain viable marketing channel

Numerous survey have found plans for small businesses to increase their marketing budgets that coincide with reports forecasting greater direct mail revenues.

Now, PRIMIR, the company that recently published a study called “Trends & Future of Direct Marketing,” is adding its voice to the group, noting that while direct mail volumes is not set to gain rapidly, it will post small signs of growth.

“Direct mail is the largest direct marketing channel in North America. Although the decline has been precipitous, direct mail’s standing in the marketing mix remains strong,” PRIMIR noted. “Direct mail volume stabilized in 2010 and will return to positive and more modest growth, although it will be years before it reaches its prior peak.

”However, this growth will be challenged by a number of factors, including complicating postal rates and regulations and the low cost of digital channels.

Small businesses looking to take advantage of direct mail marketing strategies can employ a number of materials, including catalogs, flyers and postcards, and may even benefit from new programs from the U.S. Postal Service involving saturation mailing and quick response codes.

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