DIRECT MARKETING – We are not all the same – that`s why DM exists!

300px Junk mail collectionIf everyone were the same direct marketing or any other marketing for that matter would be easy. Boring, but easy. Simply slap a price on a product that somebody is already predisposed to and away you go. No product differentiation required at all; no innovation and no marketing required.

Fortunately for us, in the marketing arena, not everyone is the same.

Above-the-line marketing typically focuses on uniformity, in terms of the message. Its single aim is to make an impact. It therefore requires explosions, cars jumping through hoops and talking dogs to grab attention. The “above-the-line” focus is on dazzling the audience, making them laugh and/or cry – and who can resist the age-old “for only R 9,99 you get this…but wait there’s more” approach?

Direct marketing (DM) requires intellectual thought and then great creative (okay, so now I have all the above the line guys jumping and baying for my blood) for it to be successful. I am not saying that “above the line” does not require intellect, but nobody can argue that many times “great” creative supersedes the intellect as far as the campaign goes. This gives rise to great awards but very few results.

See full article at: Marketingweb – DIRECT MARKETING – We are not all the same – that`s why DM exists!.

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