Do Printers Respect Their Print Customers?

Social Media Rants Show Not All Do – Margie Dana : Printing Impressions

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Honestly, I believe most printers do. The majority of print reps and print CEOs I’ve known over the past 20 years have been professionals in every sense of the word. And for the most part, they sincerely respect their customers.

But from time to time I come across people on the Internet who are so bitter, so angry (at who knows what), that a seething disrespect for their customers is reflected in everything they say or write. Sometimes it’s blatant.

I bring this up because, thanks to social media, we’re all into sharing these days. We share on Facebook and Twitter. We share in our own blogs. We share when commenting on others’ blogs. We create videos and presentations and share these, too.

Continues at:  Do Printers Respect Their Print Customers? Social Media Rants Show Not All Do -Margie Dana : Printing Impressions.

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