Dublin Delivers For #Jetcomm, #DscoopOpen And Digital Print

To paraphrase Chico Escuela… “2015 been berry, berry good to me!” With an influx of new partners, an expanding community to share knowledge and ideas with, and an awesome trip across the pond with HP High Speed Production InkJet Solutions for #Jetcomm EMEA and #DscoopOpen, yeah, I am smiling more than not these days. So while the love is fresh in my mind, and before we start the fall tradeshow season, I’d like to invite you on a little recap trip to Dublin with me!


There were so many things about #Jetcomm EMEA and #DscoopOpen that were right, I almost don’t know where to begin. To keep things moving I will focus chronologically, and start with #Jetcomm – the graphic arts industry’s premier global user group dedicated to HP InkJet Web Press Solutions.

And when HP says user group, they mean it.

From start to finish, #Jetcomm was a master class on how to make money with HP’s InkJet Web Presses presented by their customers. And I am not talking about a few hundred dollars/Euro’s on a job; I’m talking barrels of cash. The Europeans have been in the inkjet game longer than the Americans, and while we do have some very successful Print Pioneers in the U.S. too, the printers across the pond are really pushing the boundaries and creating new markets and applications for inkjet printing. Quite frankly it was a master class on marketing as well, and everyone at the event left with print possibilities swirling in their head.


#Jetcomm started off with a packed room, and after a short afternoon tea break there was standing room only, and some of those standing were standing in the hallway looking in and listening. There were #DscoopOpen sessions going on, so I imagine the #Jetcomm buzz made its way through the Dublin Convention Center and lured additional attendees with the sweet smell of print and profit. It’s worth noting that no one checked badges or gave anyone a hard time for joining although it was clearly evident the room count had exploded. HP set out to create an InkJet Community with #Jetcomm, and the community answered the call.

Speaking of that, community is a word I use often but don’t toss around lightly. And when I see a global group of printers talking, sharing intimate details about their business, and helping each other to thrive in the new inkjet frontier, community is the only word that comes to mind. If you are fortunate enough to be part of the global #Jetcomm community I salute you. If you want to be, check out these presses and get in the game!

Watch the videos I made at #Jetcomm/#DscoopOpen


Next up in Dublin was #DscoopOpen. Another amazing community event taken to the tenth degree with attendees from Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and yeah even a few token American’s showed up. Speaking with Peter Van Teesling, Gary Peeling and Julian Marsh, attendance exceeded all expectations, the presenters brought their A (or A4) game to sessions, and the exhibiting partners came armed with new technology and tools for optimizing workflow, and for digital printing from paper to Scodix!! (oh, you know I have to mention it – especially when their booth was 30 feet from me!)


One quick look into the Solutions Showcase and there was no question that Indigo is the star of this show. The application displays taunt your imagination, and like the U.S. Dscoop in Washington DC last March, photo related printing, packaging and short-run bookmaking held a lot of real estate. The application displays were literally printed on HP’s wide format offerings – from the floor to the wallpaper, and they were packed with items you see and use everyday. Yes people, print is everywhere.


It was a fabulous show and credit must go to the Dscoop founders and subsequent conference organizers who held true to the ideal of a Digital Solutions Cooperative, and the attendees, presenters and partners who bring that ideal to life each year. I really was honored to help share all I could through social media, and through #DscoopOpen’s killer app! You need to download it now, and here are links to the offical event pics, videos, and THE PRESENTATIONS!!!

I started off this post in 2015, but I am going to end mentioning 2016 now that I am officially heading to DRUPA with HP’s InkJet High Speed Production Solutions team! We have a lot of inkjet ground to cover before then, and next stop is Graph Expo where this topic will be very topical!

Cheers, Merci, Proost, Skul, Salud, Yamas, Chin Chin, L’chiam and THANKS to everyone who attended and made #Jetcomm and #DscoopOpen possible! And if I left your language out, I’m working on it!

#printselfieDeborah Corn is the Intergalactic Ambassador to The Printerverse at PrintMediaCentr, a Print Buyerologist™, Integrated Marketer, Industry Speaker and Blogger, Cultivator of the Print Production Professionals Group on LinkedIn, and host of the weekly industry #PrintChat on Twitter. She has more than 25 years experience working in advertising and marketing, and currently works behind the scenes with printers, suppliers and industry organizations helping them succeed with their cross media and social media marketing endeavors.


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