E-readers encourage MORE book buying & reading

Few Americans use electronic reading devices, but those consumers who have embraced digital reading tend to read more often than when their eyes were gliding over printed pages, suggest survey data from Harris Interactive Inc., a market research firm.

Kindle with books whiteHarris based its findings on an online survey of 2,775 adults conducted from Aug. 9 to Aug. 16.

8% of consumers said they use e-readers. Of those respondents, 62% said they read at least 11 books a year, compared with 59% of consumers without the devices. When asked how their reading habits had changed over the past six months, 53% of respondents with e-readers reported they read more than they did previously, but only 18% of consumers without the devices said the same.

Continues at:  Industry Statistics – E-readers encourage more book buying and reading – Internet Retailer.

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