Essential Tools for Companies using Social Media

Companies getting started in Social Media are looking for tools to help streamline their efforts and workforce.  So we have put together a short list of tools that can help B2B companies in their marketing efforts.

Picture 21Salesforce

A web based CRM, Salesforce has led all CRM companies in integrating Social Media to its platform. Some the nice contributions for B2B companies is the Twitter & Facebook integration allowing you to monitor multiple accounts.

Jigsaw (now part of Salesforce)

Picture 41

Jigsaw is the world’s largest database of up-to-date, downloadable, and complete contact and company information. Every Jigsaw business contact is complete with a phone number (over 70% of which are direct dial), position, company, mailing address, and business email address. Jigsaw also offers free tools for researching companies as well as a user generated company research wiki pages.  These contacts are then cross-referenced with the social media platform LinkedIn which has over 70 Million plus professionals using this tool.


twitter hummingbird logoHummingbird is a great application to grow your companies Twitter following in a very targeted way using mostly automation.  It can take a lot of man hours growing a targeted following on Twitter, through Hummingbird that process can be dramatically shortened.  You can even automate your un-following of those who do not follow you back, again saving you’re team a lot time.


hootsuite logoA great tool for managing multiple Twitter Accounts.  In addition now Ping.Fm has integrated the ability to post to Hootsuite.  Allowing even more social media account integration including LinkedIn, Facebook, and WordPress.  Best of all HootSuite cost nothing.

via Essential Tools for Companies using Social Media | My Corporate Media.

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