Exactly What NOT to Do When Making the Move from Print Publishing to New Media

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Get advice from the experts on avoiding the most common “gotchas.” iBooks, enhanced eBooks, iPad apps…by now, most publishers understand that to effectively exploit new media capabilities, they’ve got to transition away from a print production paradigm. But making that leap, from traditional content production processes, to a nimble, scalable output-independent paradigm, can be fraught with unforeseen challenges that result in expensive mistakes and setbacks.

Get the inside track on optimizing new media and new revenues by learning how to avoid the most common complications. If you do it right, it’s not nearly as difficult as most publishers think. Gain actionable insight, tips and tricks in this free, one-hour webcast. Digital publishing experts with years of experience working in-the-trenches, describe how they've helped publishers of all types move to a flexible, ePublishing solution that readies their content for the iPad and beyond.


Ann Rockley: Enterprise content strategist and structured content guru

Bret Freeman: Content consultant and XML authoring veteran

via Event Lobby (EVENT: 219456).

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