Exclusive Opportunity to Attend The Unisource Paper Show in Chicago!

I have something cool to pass along if you live in, or close to Chicago… 

unisource thumbEach year Unisource holds an EXCLUSIVE invite only Paper Show in Chicago for Designers and Commercial Printers. This year for the first time they are including Print Production Managers/Buyers as attendees and have asked me to help them spread the word!  The show is so exclusive it doesn’t have a site!

“This is the first time in the 23 year history that we are seeking print buyers to join us at the show” said Warren H. Seidel, Zone Manager – Paper, Unisource Worldwide. “We see more corporations getting involved with paper and print management and Unisource can be a very strong ally to the print buyer with either a simple paper program or a high tech solution, such as our uAdvantage program. Deborah’s organization can reach out to these folks in a way that we couldn’t directly, so we are pleased to partner with the PrintMediaCentr on this year’s show.”

If you are interested in attending the show on November, 5th, please visit  http://www.chi-papershow.com and request an invite. Not everyone will get one as they want to keep a balanced mix of attendees, but if you are a paper geek like me, I’m sure you have already clicked the link and are over there filling out your request!!! This will also be a great place to network and meet up with other local Print Pro’s.

More info on the paper show here! We’ll be watching #papershow23 for info and live tweets from Chicago!

Good luck!

PS… PRINTERS! Make FAST FRIENDS and open new doors – Share this link with Print Production Managers/Buyers in the Chicagoland area! 



Canon Production Printing Print Media Centr