Facebook Brand Pages Pay Off

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A new six-country survey from DDB reveals that Facebook users who like a brand’s page on the social networking site use its products regularly or occasionally and, after following the brand on Facebook, more than a third of the respondents “want to buy this brand’s product more.”

Brand page fans on Facebook also feel comfortable recommending the brand to friends, with 49 percent of the respondents saying they would “certainly” do so and 43 percent saying they “probably” would. Collectively, that’s a whopping 92 percent who qualify as brand advocates — a figure that staggered survey leader Catherine Lautier.

“I was expecting [brand page likers to be] a lot more benefits orientated versus, ‘I’m joining because I actively want to recommend it to friends,'” said Lautier, director of business intelligence at DDB France in Paris. “I thought it would be a lot more passive than that.”

The “Facebook and Brands” survey — which DDB shared first with Adweek — polled more than 1,600 Facebook users in the U.S., U.K., Italy, France, Australia and Chile that were already connected to brand pages. The polling took place online between Aug. 27 and Sept. 27.

Through its research, the Omnicom Group shop hopes to better understand the relationship between brands and Facebook, which with 500 million users and an array of advertising tools represents fertile ground for marketers and agencies.

Continues at:  Facebook Brand Pages Pay Off.

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