Facebook Deals Service Takes on Foursquare & Groupon

foursquare vs fbFacebook has a new offer for users willing to share their locations in status updates: deals from nearby merchants or big-brand marketers such as Starbucks, Gap or McDonalds.

The social network announced “Deals,” an extension of its Places mobile feature, which allows users to check in at locations such as bars, coffee shops or malls. Users will be able to claim those deals by walking into a merchant and checking in on their phones or other mobile devices, giving marketers the ability to reach consumers and potentially attracting them into a given store.The new service combines two of the hotter trends in local marketing: location-based check-in services such as Foursquare, and local group deals services such as Groupon or LivingSocial. “There are many changes in mobile, and theres a revolution in the social space,” said Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, which has 200 million mobile users. “Mobile is as big as that — when you combine mobile and social, industries can get disrupted.”

Continues at: Facebook Deals Service Takes on Foursquare, Groupon – Advertising Age – Digital.

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