First U.S. newspaper offers readers interactive access for editorial content

Picture 1amNewYork, Manhattans most distributed daily newspaper, is offering readers enhanced content with Microsoft Tag. By connecting its audience with additional editorial content that can be accessed via mobile devices, amNewYork continues to achieve its goal of getting readers “Manhattan Ready” with quick and efficient access to the latest information.Microsoft Tags allow readers to scan a 2D barcode which amNewYork prints alongside select articles with a smart phone. The barcode then directs the browser to load the supplementary materials, enhancing the print article.Tags connect almost anything in the real world to information, entertainment, and interactive experiences on readers mobile devices. Tags are a new kind of bar code that can be displayed anywhere and are customizable.

Continues at:  Technology Meets Tradition: amNewYork Introduces Innovative Microsoft Tag — NEW YORK, Oct. 6 /PRNewswire/ —.

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