Four Galactic Concepts Star Wars Can Teach Us About Print Media

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This past Friday was December 18th. Do you know what that means? If your answer is “no” then what’s wrong with you?! I mean keep reading, there might still be hope for you. Seriously, it was the premier of the new Star Wars movie—The Force Awakens– and as you probably already guessed, I absolutely did have my tickets to the IMAX. Honestly I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the completion of 2015.

In honor of one of my all-time favorite space epic sci-fi franchises as well as the lovely year of 2015, I thought it might be fun to see what print media has in common with the Star Wars universe After all, Star Wars and print media are two of the coolest things ever invented.

Turn what’s old into what’s new—or repurpose your content for print

That face you make… look I so old to young eyes?” ~Yoda

2015 has been a great year for print and digital. Here is an interesting thought: if you get to know your audience on a digital level, then you can take the content they know and love from the digital space and incorporate it into your print. When we hold a piece of print in our hands, it gives the content more value, more life, and more longevity. People are more likely to look at your content if it rests on their counter than they are to go online and dig through mounds of information to find that article they saw posted on some social media site last week—who posted that on their wall again?…was that on Twitter or Facebook? Man…that content is long gone.

Repurposing your digital content to meet the needs of your audience in print is extremely effective. Star Wars did the same thing. Aside from the many Star Wars book series, there are also reference books, guide books, and magazines, all of which enrich the beloved galactic universe we know and love so well.

Use your print to take your audience to unexpected places

“They were at the wrong place at the wrong time naturally they became heroes” ~George Lucas

One thing I have learned from George Lucas in all my years as a Star Wars junkie is that the journey never ends. It might seem like once you have a piece of print in hand there are not a lot of places to go from there. What you see is what you get, right? Wrong. Technologies such as Augmented Reality (another rising trend in 2015) and QR Codes can be used to bring your audience to unexpected places—usually in the digital space (I’m trying to be punny here). Print doesn’t have to be a dead end street for your audiences. In fact, you can use the digital to enhance the print and you can use the print as guide through the digital.

Use your print to tell a captivating story

“Han Solo: That’s a good story. I think you just can’t bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.”

“Princess Leia: I don’t know where you get your delusions, laser brain.”

Whether you are publishing a book, magazine, or sending out a catalog or postcard as a piece of direct mail marketing, a captivating story, such as Star Wars, actually creates experiences in the brain for the person who is receiving the story. Studies reveal that stories are capable of unlocking similar experiences within the recipient that allow them to extract the emotion from their memories and apply it to the story, thus creating an equivalent experience to the story within their brains. It’s true; stories go straight for the heart. They make us laugh, cry, sympathize, jump in fear. You can use print to tell a story. In fact, the combination of the two is a force to be reckoned with.

Be visually innovative with your print

The technology keeps moving forward, which makes it easier for the artists to tell their stories and paint the pictures they want.” ~George Lucas

The growth of technology has adorned us with the ability to create images easily and in excess. We have come a long way since the good ol’ film days when it took hours to develop a 36 exposure roll of film. HD, 3D, and Blue ray disks reveal how visual of a society we are. Did you know that there are over 300 million images uploaded onto Facebook in a day (click here for more statistics)? According to these statistics, which were last updated October 2015, 136,000 photos are uploaded on Facebook every 60 seconds. Images have become more than something to look at, they have become a platform for self-expression and communication. Looking back on 2015 we can see this trend clearly.

When Star Wars first went into theaters it was one of a kind. It was visual and packed full of special effects. When people had first left the theatre they were speechless because it was like nothing else they had ever seen. By today’s standards special effects are not only common, but they are expected as well. The best visuals come with creativity and innovation. If you can stimulate your audience visually with your print, you will set yourself apart from your competition.

“You must learn the ways of the Force, if you’re to come with me…” ~Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi:

So there you have it: four lessons on print that can be taken from one of the best ever sci-fi series. 2015 has been a great year for print. It’s a great thing to see the state of the industry growing…kind of like it’s great to see the Star Wars universe continue to grow. I hope they both will “be with us, always.”

What’s next for 2016? You have it in your power. Use the force. “Join me and together we will rule the Printerverse.”

Uuuuurhhhhh Ahhhhhrrrrrr Uhrrrrr Ahhhhhhrrrrrrr Aaarhg” ~Chewbacca

Jennifer_Grace_PrintMediaCentrJennifer Grace is a proud to be millennial who works as a Sales & Marketing Specialist at The Dingley Press. Dingley specializes in catalog printing and Jen is lucky enough to be stationed in the manufacturing facility where the presses run 24/7.   When it comes to print and catalogs, one thing is for sure, Jen does not lack enthusiasm. To read more of her articles you can check out Dingley’s blog site or connect with her on TwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook.


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