Fox Uses QR Codes in Print Advertising To Pitch Shows

FOXCodes b

New scanning technology will be attached to specific Fox advertising materials for consumers to use to access more content of Fox shows.

Known as Fox Codes, the effort comes from a technology called “quick response codes” — more of an update on barcodes, a square-ish looking computer graphic.

Using a camera-enabled smartphone — from a downloadable “QR Scanner” app — consumers can scan magazine ads and static billboard ads. They will be taken to an Internet destination to get additional show material — videos, first-look photos, behind-the-scene footages and exclusive cast interviews.

The Fox Codes mobile campaign will start up this week with Fox shows for the fall season, such as “Lone Star,” “Fringe” and “Glee.”

For safety reasons, a camera-enabled smartphone will not be able to snap a photo of a digital billboard, since most of those billboards are displayed near fast-moving roads and highways.

CBS has also been using the technology for some of its shows.

via MediaPost Publications Fox Codes Uses Ads To Pitch Shows 08/03/2010.

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