Free Web to Print Webinar: Wed, Oct 13, 2-3pm EST

Free Webinar: Building An Online Print Business

web to printThe print procurement process is going through a major transition. Customers expect self service options. Online ordering enables printers to solve more than print manufacturing needs – from automating and centralizing national marketing programs to monitoring and controlling marketing budgets.

Web to print expert, Jennifer Matt will provide her perspective on transitioning your company from a primarily offline business to ecommerce as a primary way of doing business. Moving online requires strategy first, technology second. Who are you targeting? What do you want to sell? How are you going to approach customer acquisition? The webinar will include three examples of what’s working today for printers when they utilize web technology to expand their value proposition beyond manufacturing.

When: Wednesday, October 13 from 2:00 to 3:00 PM Eastern Time

Register and more info here:

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