FujiFilm To Measure/Rate Proofing Submissions For IPA/IDEAlliance Technical Conference

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Can’t attend the IPA/IDEAlliance Technical Conference but still want to know how your proofer rates? Send it to Fujifilm.

The Graphic Systems Division of FUJIFILM North America Corporation is using its Taskero Universe ColorPath Verified to measure all proofs during the IPA/ Technical Conference, which is being held in Chicago on June 7-8, and is accepting proofing submissions from those unable to attend as well.

“We’re pleased to be working with the IPA/IDEAlliance Technical Conference and to demonstrate the power of Taskero Universe ColorPath Verified,” said Patrick Donigain, Taskero solutions development manager, Graphic Systems Division, FUJIFILM North America Corporation. “We see this as an opportunity to collaborate with the PA/IDEAlliance in order to get a snapshot of the status of proofing within the industry.”

Taskero Universe ColorPath Verified is a unique solution designed to provide critical, up-to-date information on the entire color production process. The patented solution monitors hardware and output from the prepress stage to the pressroom and offers a method for monitoring, controlling and maintaining consistent quality.

See full details at: FujiFilm To Measure/Rate Proofing Submissions For IPA/IDEAlliance Technical Conference | Digital Print 360.

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