GASC honors ‘Positively Print’ award recipients

positively printThe Graphic Arts Show Company (GASC) recognized the “Positively Print” award recipients at a ceremony following the Executive Outlook Conference preceding Graph Expo. Intended to spotlight promotional efforts centered on the effectiveness of print, Positively Print entries could be produced in any media, as long as the focus was on print targeting print buyers, print influencers and the broader community. Nominated candidates were evaluated on their originality and perceived effectiveness in delivering the message of print as an integral and effective component of today’s integrated marketing campaigns.

“The purpose of the Positively Print program was not necessarily to identify a single winner, but rather to share examples of creative and effective print advocacy campaigns with the entire graphic communications industry,” says Ralph Nappi, president, GASC.  “We want to demonstrate to companies involved in print that advocating for print can be done and help carry a powerful message that will benefit the entire industry.”

Positively Print “Exemplary Award” winners:

Continues at:  GASC honors ‘Positively Print’ award recipients | American Printer.

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