Get Your Document Workflow Integration on Track at Xplor11!

First there was ADF (Automated Document Facility), then ADF 2.0. What about ADF today? Half of all enterprises haven’t yet implemented an ADF. Will the drop in software costs and the rise in smaller, more focused ADF systems allow enterprises to finally be able to cost-justify implementing an ADF? What about the emergence of mini-ADFs, AppDF, and Production Management systems?

workflow processEnterprise document production has always been a core concern of Xplor members. Not only do you have to design, create, and distribute transaction documents but you need to monitor the entire production process to insure it is efficient, meets government and industry regulations and standards, and is cost-effective. From these requirements the concept of an enterprise ADF system was born, and it has been growing and morphing every since.

If you’re concerned about your enterprise production operational efficiency, worried about regulatory or compliance issues, wondering if it’s time to upgrade (or replace) your existing ADF or have decided perhaps it’s finally time to try and cost justify implementing an ADF, spend time in this track to find out what’s new and emerging. Bring your questions.

Attend the Integrate track of Xplor 2011 and get educated about what’s new and emerging with ADFs, including how the new ADFs can be cost-justified and whether or not the mini-ADF is the way of the future.

Attending the Integrate track you’ll hear industry experts on topics such as:

• Opening session by Stephen Poe baselining ADF and describing the track contents

• Cory Olson of FIS Output Solutions on the Interactive Document

• David Day of Inspectron discussing ADF in today’s regulatory and compliance environment

• Ernie Crawford of Crawford Technologies presenting on the benefits of production management

• Jim Hilgefort of Kern presenting on cost savings through manifesting

• Kevin Klein of Pitney Bowes discussing the strategic value of fully integrated print and mail

• Matthew Mahoney of Solimar Systems describing how to eliminate work silos to integrate inot an overall automated workflow

• Paul Abdool of Ikon on the Appropriate Document Factory – “AppDF”

• Pete Basiliere of Gartner offering how ADF 2.0 integrates with multimedia communications

• Vendor track panel debating whether or not the mini-ADF is the future for ADF systems

• Vendor track panel on How to Cost Justify an ADF

• Closing panel discussion moderated by Pete Basiliere of Gartner on the future of ADF

For more information click here


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