Get your Multi-Channel Strategy on Track at Xplor11

The Strategize Track at the 2011 Xplor International Conference & Vendor Forum features speakers who are leaders in our industry.  Some of the presenters include:

Tuesday 4/5

Making Multi-Channel Make Sense presented by Pat McGrew, M-EDP, Evangelist, Kodak

Strategize Track Vendor Panel: Is Hope a Strategy? moderated by Carrie Murphy, M-EDP, Market Development Manager, InfoPrint Solutions, Panel with Scott Baker, Mark Egeling, Joseph Manos, MindFire, Ruben Martinez, ISIS Papyrus

Leveraging Your Print Applications to Retain and Grow Customers presented by Barry Key, Principal Consultant, Galileo Consulting Services, LLC, Cross Media Outletsstrategy 8064632 xs

Enabling the Digital Migration presented by Kent Lewis, HP-Exstream

Content Strategy for Targeted Cross-Media Marketing presented by David Hedrick Skarjune, EDP

Customer Communications Management: How Consumers are Driving Technology presented by Frank Delfer, Executive Vice President of Technology and Chief Technology Officer, DST Output

Per Mr. Frank Delfer, most of the sessions will allow the participant to:  “Discover the possibilities through a series of case studies about new communications methods and channels ranging from the statement or bill itself and its envelope, quick response or QR codes, digital postal mail, consolidated statements, and mobile payments/alerts. Session attendees will walk away with: An overview of the potential of these new communications techniques, implementation strategies, best practices and business benefits.

If you are in charge of your company’s customer experience, including electronic or print center operations, customer relations, technology delivery or marketing – this session is for you!”

Wednesday 4/6

Repurposing Legacy Applications for Multi-Channel Communications presented by Jeff DeVoyd, Vice President, Technology and Product Marketing, GMCSoftware Technology

Technology Applications and Their Use in Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns presented by Roger Gimbel, EDP, President, Gimbel & Associates, and Scott Baker, Vice President of Worldwide Channels, GMC Software Technology

multichannel marketing approachThe Multi-Channel Challenge: Customer Communications Comes Full Circle presented by Ruben Martinez, ISIS Papyrus Software

Digital or Physical Communication – What’s the Right Mix For You? presented by Manish Kapoor, EDP, Manageing Director, Fedex

Strategic Application of Transactional Documents in Our Multiple Channel World presented by Kevin Klein, Director Production Intelligence ConsultingPitney Bowes

Executive Technology Panel: An Afternoon with the CTOs, David Day, Jeff DeVoyd, Bill Tremeer presenting content that will help attendees understand how they can bridge the gap from print to multi-channel delivery, and moderated by Stephen D. Poe, M-EDP, Principal, Nautilus Solutions.

“I am very excited about the Strategize Track, I feel that it will provide content in a consolidated format that would be very difficult to gain an understanding of without having to spend weeks doing research.” said Carrie Murphy, Strategize Track Chair.

For more information click here


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