Getting Real With The Perception Of Print On #EarthDay

I have said it many times, but for those of you who may not already know, I am a TV Junkie. Many of my blogs, industry presentations and even #printchat topics have been inspired by something I’ve seen on TV, and such is the case with this one.

Million_Dollar_Listing_NYI was catching up on shows I missed during the week over the weekend (all hail the mighty DVR!) and one of them was Million Dollar Listing NY – a reality show focused on three high end Manhattan realtors: Fredrik, Ryan and Luis – which airs Wednesday night on Bravo. In this episode Luis has a new listing in a very high-end building, and wants to create a BIG impact with his marketing – so of course he turns to print!

In a very clever promotion, Luis creates a small run of hardcover books filled with images of the apartment and the building, and tells a story of what it would be like to live there. The narrative allowed readers to picture themselves as if this was already their life. The book also served as an invitation to the open house, and that is how rival realtor Ryan came to receive one.

I am a huge advocate of photo books and bookmaking as a new revenue stream for printers, especially since it’s so affordable to jump into (check out my friends at Fastbind USA for details!). I was flying high on the awesomely creative use of print, and have no doubt that many will follow in using customized books as promotions because of it – and then it happened. Ryan opened his FedEx, takes out the book, skims through it, and like a frying pan to the head he says, “How many trees were killed to make this?”

Ryan goes on to list many different ways in which this information could have been delivered electronically, while his assistant “defends” the book as something different that stands out and will be read vs. ignored. Ryan obviously has ulterior motives for putting down the promotion, and he isn’t going to publicly (to the viewers/potential clients out there) acknowledge the creativity of another broker, but he went right to “tree killer” and this is why we have a problem… ALL of us!

paper corpseI guarantee you that Ryan believes if you use paper you “kill” trees. Perception is reality, and this misconception impacts the 8.4 million workers in the paper and print industry – many who have to defend their work on a daily basis as it is. The perception has to change through education and awareness so the “tree killer” comment isn’t made to begin with, and without a reality TV show for a platform, it is going to take a lot of effort.

I work as a freelance consultant and help Two Sides North America with some of their marketing efforts. I also volunteer my time, sit on their marketing committee, try my best to spread the word about their mission, and help bust the print and paper myths whenever I can. Now I am turning to all of you for some help, it’s easy to do… and since it is Earth Day I’m hoping that will motivate you!

First, please check out Two Sides North America (formally Two Sides US) and make use of the amazing facts and information they provide. Next, please join them on social: Twitter @TwoSidesNAFacebook /TwoSidesNorthAmericaLinkedIn Group. They have a great blog and Phil Riebel, President, Two Sides North America, also writes a blog on Printing Impressions. All of the information coming through these channels needs to be shared by as many people as possible, as often as possible. As I like to say… Click, Share, Bust Some Myths!

My last request involves taking a moment to place a value on the industry, your business, and your job, and consider joining Two Sides North America* for as little as $250 a year. Every membership counts, and helps Two Sides reach further out into the world with the truth about the sustainability of paper and print, and provide us with tools to do the same.

I feel a little like PBS doing a membership drive here, but the reality of perception really hit home during this reality TV episode. We can no longer have the collective Ryan’s of the world believing that print is bad, and we need to move past the choir and reach the congregation. That takes all of us, and a bunch of cash. Can I get an Amen!

*Two Sides also has representation in: United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Finland, Portugal, Hungry, Germany and Australia. Click here and choose a country in the top right corner.

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