Glamour 2D Barcodes to Let Readers 'Like' Brands on Facebook

fb snaptag 042811Glamour’s September issue will try to make 2-D bar codes friendlier by including icons that readers can photograph to “like” advertisers on Facebook and recieve special offers in turn.

Magazines including Entertainment Weekly, Golf Digest and Woman’s Day have been exploring 2-D bar codes, quick-response tags and similar systems that aim to make print more interactive by letting camera phones fetch or share content, enter sweepstakes and receive special offers. Readers used the codes in Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue over 100,000 times in 2010 and over 120,000 times in 2011. Most executions, however, don’t generate so much response.

But Facebook isn’t usually the primary lure either. Prominently incorporating Facebook will make the technology more appealing to consumers, according to Nicole Skogg, CEO at SpyderLynk, which is supplying the new Social SnapTag codes that Glamour will use. “We all use Facebook and trust Facebook,” Ms. Skogg said.

Continues at:  Glamour 2D Barcodes to Let Readers ‘Like’ Brands on Facebook | MediaWorks – Advertising Age.

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