Global Business Forum at FESPA Americas Tackles Business Growth Agenda

FESPA Invites North American Print CEOs to Join Exclusive Interactive Event

Picture 33At FESPA Americas (Orlando, Florida, 24-26 February 2011), FESPA will host a two-day Global Business Forum (February 24-25 2011), bringing together printers from North America, Latin America and Europe.

The FESPA Global Business Forum is a strategic level event that sets out to develop the key themes explored at FESPA’s last Global Summit in Miami, Florida, in March 2010, with a focus on how to improve business during 2011 and beyond. Through conference sessions and live debates, participants will dig deeper into topics such as leadership, sustainability, developing niches, mergers and acquisitions, e-commerce, digital marketing and social media, operational best practice and optimising customer engagement.

The content will be pitched at senior wide-format print business leaders, principally from the US and Canada but also from Latin America and other regions around the world. It will include new market-specific research produced by FESPA in conjunction with information partner InfoTrends, pointing to global and regional sector trends.

Continues at:  Global Business Forum at FESPA Americas Tackles Business Growth Agenda.

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