Going Green: Questions to Ask Your Printer

A swimmer performing the front crawl.
Image via Wikipedia

Ready to dive, head first, into the waters of sustainable print production? Perhaps you’ve taken a peek at some of the sites provided in “Going Green: 45 Educational Resources” and now you’re eager to take off the arm floaties?

What about your print partners? Are they swimming in the same ocean or are they knee-deep in the cesspool? There was that postcard you received that said “we’re green printers”. That means they’re doing everything they can to provide an eco-friendly product. Right? And, they’re FSC-certified and that’s all that really matters. Right?

Time to throw in the life-preserver? How about a questionnaire, instead? Asking these questions will help you determine how well your print partners REALLY swim in the eco-friendly waters.

See full article at:  Going Green: Questions to Ask Your Printer « The Production Side.

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