Good News: Print & Mail are Alive & Well

Direct mail is still the best choice to deliver the messagePICT0007 2

It is about time that quick printers got some good news, and here it is:

Print and mail are alive and well!

Contrary to conventional wisdom among customers and even some printers that direct mail is “junk” mail, or “old” technology, or incompatible with environmental stewardship, print and mail remain an important part of any effective marketing program.

Skeptical? Consider the results of a 2008 study of 1,000 American consumers (split 50-50 between men and women), age 18 and older, from 10 major metropolitan areas (Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Phoenix, and Seattle). The results, published as the DM News/Pitney Bowes survey, showed these findings:

Nearly 94% of consumers survey reported taking action on promotional offers and coupons received via direct mail.

20% of consumers reported that more than 10% of the offers or coupons they received by mail led to a purchase.

Almost 40% of respondents said they had tried a new business for the first time because of information received via direct mail.

Nearly 70% of respondents said they renewed a relationship with a business because they received a direct mailing or promotional item.

Respondents stated that information received via direct mail often led to a contribution to a non-profit organization for the first time.

The surveyors concluded that: “Direct mail induces the consumer to touch the offer—recipients of direct mail are receiving, sorting, reading, and using direct mail to make purchasing decisions.”

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