Look for ME at GRAPH EXPO!! I Want to Show You to the World!

GRAPH EXPO will bring in 400+ exhibitors to Orlando this year! In previous years I have watched the show as best I could via Twitter feed. This year I am excited to announce that I will be flying to Orlando not just as a show floor visitor, but as a part of the action as well!

Graph Expo Badge - print media centr

In fact, I will be in Orlando working with Print Media Centr as a liaison for the GRAPH EXPO team, covering the show floor attractions via social media channels. This year’s “Refresh” theme is perfect! What better time for a Millennial’s first experience than one where the focus will be on re-invigoration and the future of print? By the way, have you connected with @Graph_Expo on Twitter yet? You can follow the action and from the show floor and get news from the press conferences during the show through their Twitter account and the #GraphExpo stream.

Among the classic favorites of past attendees such as the Inkjet Candy Store, there will be a new attraction this year called The House That Print Built. I am personally excited for this attraction where everything in site will be a product of print. I plan on getting lots of great pics, so keep a look out! The concept is not unlike what I wrote about last month in How Big is the Print Industry, my article for News From The Printerverse (subscribe here!)

Speaking of the Printerverse, there will be another exciting lineup of Printerverse panels featuring Print Media Centr’s Intergalactic Alliance in Booth 701. Something I have seen many videos of, but yet to have the honor of attending in person. Although, the panels have not yet been announced, you can do what I did and check out the videos from last year to get an idea of what’s In store (see videos here).

In addition, there are well over 50 courses being offered to GRAPH EXPO attendees. From print design and graphic arts to the future of print and how to keep your print shop thriving.

As a first time attendee I am looking forward to meeting all the exhibitors. That’s right! I hope to meet as many people as possible and to learn about as many companies in the industry as I can. Watch for me walking the show floor and if you see me, flag me down for a pic! My goal? To bring the show to the thousands of print industry professionals who couldn’t make it and are watching from home. Be sure your company gets in the lineup!

That’s all for now. But, I’ll be seeing you soon!!

Jennifer_Grace_PrintMediaCentrJennifer Grace is a freelance marketer who helps companies achieve results through strategic business development, content creation, and social media marketing. She is a writer, photographer, and lover of print. Her experience in print sales and marketing helps printers authentically connect with their customers, prospects, and millennials. Jen is a contributor to Print Media Centr’s News From The Printerverse, and a regular at #PrintChat Wednesday’s at 4PM ET on Twitter.

Connect with Jen: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | jen@lovetreemarketing


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