Grapo to highlight Shark options at Fespa

Czech company Grapo Technologies is to take its Shark hybrid UV printer to Fespa in order to highlight new feed and cutting options now available.

According to Grapho, the Shark now has options to cater for longitudinal and tranversal cutting of substrates up to 1mm thick. It also includes a feeder capable of handling stock up to 10mm thick, up to 2x2m in size.

In addition, the printer boasts improved handling systems to create a more smoother process, enabling the higher printing speeds of up to 120sqm per hour for even unstable substrates such as cardboard.

Sales director Branislav Oravec said: “After working with Shark in our own printshop, we believe these options make Shark even more efficient and productive. The feeder/cutter system is a logical outcome of that philosophy as it allows the user to take advantage of the Shark’s speed without requiring two employees to operate the machine at all times.”

Read full article at:  Grapo to highlight Shark options at Fespa | | Wide-format News and Jobs from the Wide-format Sector | Wide-format.


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