Greener Printing for Authentic Marketing Communications

FSC ecolabel.
Image via Wikipedia

Marketing is at the heart of every small business. It is almost universally cited as the number one challenge for small businesses, and is often the highest discretionary expenditure for most small businesses. Many times print advertising is sworn off by green businesses, due to the lingering doubts about the forestry industry and the excessive paper waste (not to mention energy consumption, transit miles, etc.) traditionally associated with print media.   FSC certification is a good way to assure that paper used in printing comes from a sustainable source (as opposed to SFI certification, which is an industry front-group known for greenwashing).

But what about the message that companies want to send?  Is FSC certified paper enough to allay the fears of green consumers?

Continues at:  Greener Printing for Authentic Marketing Communications | Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit.

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