Have Fun with Printable Films

GPAIf you’re not sure how to select a film substrate, GPA’s Printable Films Idea Kit can empower you with the technical knowledge and inspiration to take on specialty projects and expand your creative capabilities.

The Printable Films Idea Kit contains a product reference booklet printed on durable synthetic paper, which has application ideas and everything you need to know about selecting the right film, adhesive and liner for every project.

The kit also contains a set of 2010 calendars printed on repositionable vinyl and a decorative sample on ClingZ, a film that sticks to virtually any surface (even brick) due to its electrical charge.

GPA’s collection of pressure sensitive films includes: window films, specialty films, mounting films and laminates. Its non-adhesive films include: Ultra Green Film tree-free paper, 100 percent recycled polyethylene, synthetic paper, polypropylene, Teslin, styrene, rigid vinyl, polyester and ClingZ static-charged polypropylene.

To request your free Printable Films Idea Kit, please e-mail info@askgpa.com.

via Have Fun with Printable Films | PaperSpecs.


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