Hiring/Training : What 
the CMO Wants

Paying people to hold signs is one of the olde...
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CMOs are looking for the best way to reach customers and increase ROI. To do that, they arm themselves with a multitude of marketing channels; many of which are growing and changing rapidly—particularly with the dawn of the digital age. At the heart of all these channels—with, as noted, digital media leading the pack—is direct marketing. Whether you call this approach “direct” or not, these are the principles that enable marketers to quantify ROI. So, how do CMOs decide, in this sea of marketing channels and direct marketing principles, what skill sets they need from their staff?

A Rose By Any 
Other Name

Let’s all agree that there have been changes in the modern direct response and advertising landscape due to the emergence of new channels, as well as the economic downturn during the past two years. The advance of the digital age, with general advertising less relevant and response metrics now the mode of operation, has increased the demand for direct marketing skills.

However, the words “direct marketing” are not so easily identifiable these days, even though the guiding principles have remained the same.

via Building the next generation of response marketers : Page 1 of 2 : Target Marketing.

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