The debate continues on whether CEOs should be fluent in social media or not, but the number of CEOs using social media to engage customers is still very low, even among technology companies.
In the past year it seems that executives have become more comfortable with platforms like Twitter and Facebook. For example, there are a number of influential CEOs using Twitter to represent their companies and bring a friendly face to their businesses. Tweeting CEOs like Tony Hsieh of Zappos and Guy Kawasaki of Alltop are well-known for their successful social presences and large followings as a result.
With all of the talk about how CEOs are getting social, we were curious to see how many CEOs are also branching out into web video. We took a look around the web to see how CEOs and founders are leveraging video to educate and engage consumers.
Once again, we found that the number of executives active in the web video space, as in the social media space, is quite small. But for those business leaders taking an active role, we’ve uncovered some great successes. Here’s a list of 12 CEOs and founders leveraging web video to promote their businesses.
via How 12 CEOs & Founders are Leveraging Web Video : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum.