How Will Digital Print Integrate with Intent-Based Marketing?

By Heidi Tolliver-Nigro on February 15th, 2011

6 myths about digital printingAs we head into DSCOOP, all thoughts are turned to the future of digital print. But if we want digital printing to thrive, we have to remember that digital print doesn’t live in a vacuum. Our idea of “multi-channel marketing” as personalized direct mail that sends recipients to personalized URLs and then following up with non-responders by email is an effective but limited view of what multi-channel marketing is all about.

Here’s why I bring it up — and what I’m increasingly concerned about. The online world is making huge strides in what they call “micro-targeting” and “intent-based marketing.” In other words, they are using geographic and demographic information about online viewers to customize or even personalize advertising on the fly.

The other day, I was reading about Adchemy, which allows marketers to analyze consumer intent across online marketing channels. It ties together consumer’s behavior using search, social media, display advertising, and other media, analyzes it, and then allows advertisers to serve up the most relevant ads to the online viewer. For example, Adchemy might compare consumers’ Google searches with their Facebook likes and the online banner ads they click on, then based on this information, decide what ads make the most sense for them.

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