Influence is Bliss: The Gender Divide of Influence on Twitter

20100731 n548ssepj5ucaruyh48nd1gw2iWomen on the Web: How Women are Shaping the Internet

10 years ago comScore reported that the number of women on the Web in the U.S. had surpassed the number of men.  In 2010 comScore still finds that women are the digital mainstream and social networking is central to their online experience. In celebration of the 2010 Blogher Conference, comScore released a new report, “Social Networking Sites Reach a Higher Percentage of Women than Men Worldwide.”

If e-commerce is a form of influence, women dominate. In fact, the report shows that women shop more online and in aggregate, they drive a disproportionate amount of online spending, representing 58% of all online spending. Accordingly, women also spend more time in social networks than men at an average of 5.5 hours per month compared to 3.9.

See full article at:  Influence is Bliss: The Gender Divide of Influence on Twitter | Social Media Today.

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