Infographic: A (Hectic) Day In The Life Of A Graphic Designer posted this infographic along with the text below, and asked the question – what are you thinking while viewing this illustration. So here it goes. The day in the life of a Graphic Designer is intertwined with Traffic & Production, who are also being referred to as project managers in the text. I think it’s a little unfair to generalize that we are “frustrated with Art Directors” when usually we are just frustrated that things never seem to go as planned, no matter how good the plan is.  Each indication of a change below, directly effects Traffic & Production and more often than not we are the last ones out the door at the end of the day. I am not attempting to pit one area over another, or debate who has it worse, I am simply pointing out that to me Creative, Traffic & Production are on the same team, and we should keep our frustration focused on the true enemy – Account Management! Ok, Im only 33% joking, but if I had a dollar for every time I experienced the 7:30-8pm timeframe, I would be sitting on the beach sipping a cool refreshing island drink without a care or deadline in the world.


The dream of a graphic designer is to create meaningful designs that communicate on a visual, intellectual and emotional level. It is the joy of being creative and having someone pay you to do it. But the reality of that dream is that it often comes with the heavy price on the creative soul. There are endless meetings, client revisions, committee-mandated direction, project managers who are frustrated art directors, long hours and often little recognition. 

This cartoon was designed by The Design Bureau of Amerika. We would love to know what you are thinking while viewing this illustration. 

Infographic A Day In The Life Of Graphic Designer 1

via Infographic: A (Hectic) Day In The Life Of A Graphic Designer | MT-Soft.

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